...产的个人,由于前述 机会行为的存在,又因为个别的个人相互监 106 控成本太高,进行「垂直分工(vertical division of labor)是一条合理的解决之道,也 就是说,大家同意从合作生产者当中找一位 专职的管理者,来专业处理监控的问题,再 辅以相关诱因激励制...
...的研究核心,企业的多元化理论、前后向一体化等均建基于此;而近年来网络经济的兴起,则使 垂直分工 ( Vertical Specialization )成为研究热点, 垂直分工 最典型的表现就是PC产业,IBM原来是PC行业的奠基者,但为了迅速进入市场,IBM采取 垂直分工 的策略,...
垂直分工与外包 Vertical specialization and outsourcing
被称为国际间垂直分工 vertically linked in international production
垂直分工产业 industry with vertical labor division
垂直分工体系 vertical division of labor system
垂直专业化分工 Vertical Specialization ; VS ; vertical specification
垂直型国际分工 vertical international division of labour
垂直型分工 vertical type work dividing
垂直分型工艺 split vertical parting technique
垂直型分工体系 the system of vertical allocation
What results in the vertical integration is the industry chain integration and the production network of intermediate goods.
From the view of theory, the perpendicular division system is an ideal and helpful professional division system to regulating the markets order.
“1 0 +3”区域合作的有利条件在于其经济关系的互补性和国际分工所具有的从垂直分工向水平分工转化的特点;
On the basis of economic complementarity and transformation from vertical division to horizontal division, "10 +3" will go ahead in the future.