城市宫殿 位于城西的皮丘拉湖,城市宫殿修建于1729年,经过后来几个世纪历代王 公的扩建,宫殿的建筑融合了拉贾斯坦的印度风格和莫卧儿王朝的 伊斯兰风格。
城市宫殿博物馆 City Palace Museum ; City Palace ; City Palace Udaipur ; City Palace Complex
城市宫殿酒店 City Palace Hotel ; Hotel Stadtpalais ; Palace Hotel Citt ; Hotel Palota City
泰国城市宫殿酒店 Thai City Palace Hotel
城市宫殿和博物馆 City Palace and Museum
距离乌代布尔城市宫殿 City Palace of Udaipur
首尔城市宫殿酒店 City Palace Tourist Hotel
距离乌代浦城市宫殿 City Palace of Udaipur
列支敦士登城市宫殿 Stadtpalais Liechtenstein
The City Palace Museum in Udaipur has sent works never loaned before.
What was found at Gonur-Depe was amazing: the ruins of a huge palace complex, the foundations of shops and houses, the remains of thick walls and towers that fortified the city.
Palatial office buildings are being constructed in the city.