外债是指一国对国外的负债。按照国际货币基金组织和世界银行的定义,外债是“包括一切对非当地居民以外国货币或当地货币为核算单位的有偿还责任的负债”。外债净额等于一国的外债总额,减去该国居民对非居民的全部债权 (即海外资产)。外债总额和外债净额反映的都是过去历年累积的对外债务,即外债的存量;国际收支资本项目中则反映每年外债的增减变动额,即外债的流量。
... Foreign Manufacturers 外国制造厂商 ; 国外公司的 foreign loans 外债 ; 对外借款 ; 外来词 ; 外债 foreign devil 洋鬼子 ; 假洋鬼子 ; 洋鬼 ; 东洋鬼子 ...
全口径外债宏观审慎管理 unified; macroprudential management of foreign debt ; unified macroprudential management of foreign/external debt
现行外债管理 current external debt management
短期外债 short term external debt ; short-term foreign debt ; SDOD
对外债权 external claim
没有外债 without external debt
外债偿还比例 debt service rate
外债偿还能力 debt servicing capacity
海外债权人 overseas creditors
外债危机 Foreign Debt Crises ; Debt Crises
The academic study of foreign investment in modern China focuses on foreign investment and external debt for government and rarely involves the perspective from the China-funded enterprises and the angle of studying their introduction of foreign capital.
参考来源 - 近代若干华资棉纺织企业外资引进活动(1890By the end of 2005, national accumulative total of the projects financed by government foreign debts have summed to 3, 549, with $ 125. 1 billion in agreement and $69.
参考来源 - 中国政府外债项目效益审计评价The two governments of Republic of China had made efforts to improve those conditions of policy,such as centralization and the innovation in revenue, internal debt & foreign loans, currency system and bank system.
为此,二政府围绕经济政策的实施条件,在中央集权,财政之内外税收、内外债,金融之币制、银行体制等方面,实行了一系列改革举措。 这些举措大都自北京政府已开始,至南京政府而产生成果。
参考来源 - 民国时期经济政策的沿续与变异(1912—1937)The repaying money reached 40 millions liang sliver every year after 1900. Customs duty, tax of general merchandise and even land were being guaranteed to repay external debt.
参考来源 - 晚清外债与财政应付And there are 5 chapters in this article. The first chapter is about the outline of the development process of the foreign debts of the Republic of China.
参考来源 - 舆论视野下的民国外债问题研究The characters of this foreign loans are concluded, and the connection between them and particular political station of Guangdong are analyzed.
参考来源 - 民国广东地方政府外债研究 1912·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress