(1)外标准法(External Standard Method) 以纯相之绕射峰当参考。(2)直接比较法(Direct Comparison Method) 直接利用混合物中另一结晶相当参考绕射峰,适用于二元系统,例...
本文简单介绍了几种猝灭校正方法——外标准源道比法,样品谱指数法和H数法。 首先比较了这些方法的特点。
Several methods for quench correction-external standard channels ratio method, spectral index method and "H number" method are simply introduced.
The impurities are qualitatively determined by contrasting with standard sample (standard gas), and quantitatively determined by calculating the peak areas.
用 正己烷内标法或标准气体外标法进行检测。
Then-hexane internal standard method or the standard gas external standard method is used for detection.