... large scale intergration 大范围集成化 large screen projection 大屏幕投影 large signal parameters 大信号参数 ...
...设备租赁和技术服务,主要包括: 红外同声传译设备 (Infra-red SIS System Rental) 大屏幕投影 (LCD Projector and Screen Rental) 音响系统(P
大屏幕投影机 large screen projector
大屏幕投影电视 large-curtain projecting TV set ; curtain projecting TV set
大屏幕投影器 [电子] large screen projector
大屏幕投影融合系统 Projection fusion display system
大屏幕投影电视机 large screen projection tv receiver
大屏幕投影墙 large tiled display wall
大型屏幕录像投影机 large screen video projector
大屏幕彩色投影电视 Big-screen color projection television
The paper introduced the hardware configuration, software design and practical application of the large screen projection system of Guangdong grid dispatching center.
In this dissertation, the photo-addressed CdS-CdSe liquid crystal light valve and its application in large screen projection displays are studied.
In this paper, liquid crystal phase grating large screen protection system is introduced, and its fundamental diffraction characteristics are discussed.