大西洋鳕鱼(学名:Gadus morhua (Linnaeus, 1758),为鳕形目鳕科鳕鱼的一种鱼类。原产于从北欧至加拿大及美国东部的北大西洋寒冷水域。栖息范围广泛,从沿海至大陆棚,以及许多开阔海域。属杂食性,以藻类、甲壳类、鱼类、头足类等为食。大西洋鳕鱼是全世界年捕捞量最大的鱼类之一,为高经济价值的食用鱼,作为商业鱼种,其主要出口国是加拿大、冰岛、挪威及俄罗斯,日本产地主要在北海道。此鱼也是重要的养殖和游钓鱼类。
This has benefitted species such as American plaice, pollock, haddock and Atlantic cod.
Once-plentiful species like Atlantic cod have been fished to near oblivion, and delicacies like bluefin tuna are on an arc toward extinction.
从这里捕捞上来的鱼种类繁多,但数大西洋鳕鱼最为出名。 鳕鱼营养丰富,经晒干,盐渍后很容易储存。
Of the species caught off its shores, none is more famous than the Atlantic cod, nutritious and easily preserved when dried and salted.