大雨滂沱,汉语成语,拼音dà yǔ pāng tuó,意思是形容雨下的很大。出自《三国演义》。
... 人孰无过 Every man has his faults. 大雨滂沱 It rains cats and dogs. 雄辩是银,缄默是金 Speech is silver,silence is gold. ...
... love me , love my dogs 爱屋及乌 rain cats and dogs 大雨滂沱 put on (the) dog 摆架子,装腔作势 ...
就让大雨滂沱落下 Let the rain come down
你可畏惧大雨滂沱 The slash of the rain
大雨滂沱的 rain-swept
滂沱大雨 downpour ; rains cats and dogs ; Torrential rain ; torrents of rain deluge
下滂沱大雨 rain cats and dogs
滂沱大雨梓民酱 live it up
在滂沱大雨中 In pouring rain
在那滂沱大雨之中 In pouring rain
下着滂沱大雨 It was torrential rain ; The torrential rain