...万美元,(福布斯中文网) ,价格gé为1,300万张,只向少数几家公司授权使用yòng梦露的名字,不过《太阳升起》(Here Comes the Sun)等歌曲的版税增加jiā了他的收入,把这位电影明星的收入增加jiā到2,不过预计她将在今后几年获得更高的收入,都进一步证明了这位...
... 升起 升起 hochheben, aufziehen 太阳升起 SUN ROSE ; Here Comes The Sun ; The Sun Rising ; Apang 升起吊杆 top the lifts ; raise a boom ...
... 忧郁伯爵的红皮萨RED PIZZAS FOR A BLUE COUNT 太阳升起Sure as sunrise 还可以发很多音Key Words - More Sounds to Say ...
当太阳升起时 When the Sun Rises ; It's the same sun rising
当我看见太阳升起 when i see if the sun will rise
太阳升起来了 The sun rises ; nar mandzhai ; the sun rose up
当太阳升起时英文歌 DjKhang Chivas
当太阳升起的时候 When the sun rises ; Anche il sorgere del sole ; When sunrise
但当太阳升起 But the sun rolling high
直到太阳升起 until the sun rises up ; Till sun comes up
太阳升起的时候 when the sun rises
He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.
I walked out and took a trolley to my apartment and Carlo Marx's papier-mache mountains grew red as the great sun rose from the eastward plains.
And in Strauss in attempting to do this will use the orchestra to depict here in this particular case perhaps the rise of human power, maybe as metaphorically represented by the sun, so here is Strauss depicting the rise of the sun.