2008年诺贝尔经济学 奖得主保罗·克鲁格曼 ( Paul Krugmwonderful )在分解美国经济技术前进与就业增加的干系时就也曾指出:“技术的改变已经招致就业的机关性变化,但并没有招致劳动机缘的净损失,...
It was a simple and elegant way of looking at the world, but one in which, as Nobel laureate Paul Krugman has pointed out, beauty trumped truth.
2008年诺贝尔经济学奖得主保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)写道“鉴于美国政策相较租赁更倾向于支持自有住宅,你可以看到这样的事实:美国自有住房者泛滥。”
“Given the way US policy favours owning over renting,” writes Paul Krugman, 2008’s Nobel laureate in economics, “you can make a good case that America already has too many homeowners.”