1983年吉姆从价格会员店辞职后与杰夫·布罗特曼(现任好事多主席)合伙成立了好事多。好事多截至2006年已经走过23年历程,但中国人普遍对它还比较陌生——这家在全球拥有488家店铺的公司目前还没有进入中国内地。而它之所以被称为财富猎手,是因为其有着一套独特的全球仓储式销售模式。这套模式并不是它的首创,而是脱胎于30多年前在美国零售界叱咤风云的价格会员店(Price i8 Club)——好事多的现任CEO吉姆在其中工作了近20年,从一个床垫装卸工成长为总店的经理。
在会员制仓储超市模式上业绩优异的好事多(Costco Wholesale)的首席执行官詹姆斯。辛格尔说:“我们必须像名贵的百货店萨克斯第五大道那样做。
好事多磨 Date Night ; Overthrow Thy Neighbors ; A good gain takes long pain ; Sometime in
美国好事多 Costco Wholesale
好事多仓储公司 Costco Wholesale Corporation
只因好事多磨 Nothing good comes easily
人能好事多磨 You can''t win them all
好管闲事和多嘴的人 busy-body ; body ; busy-main part
人多好办事 Many hands make light work ; Superior Numbers
美国好事多商店 Costco Stores
多好的事情呀 And more good thing ah ; Many good things
There are many good people and good deeds in our class, indeed in the whole school.
Wholesale clubs, particularly Costco, weathered the recession and are picking up Wal-Mart customers, too.
华尔街策略分析师Brian Sozzi将在好事多购物称为“寻宝”。
Wall Street Strategies analyst Brian Sozzi describes shopping at Costco as a "treasure hunt.
Remember your task for this week-- a dozen of you have already read it-- it's to commit- above and beyond what you usually commit- five extra acts of kindness during one day.
Five extra acts of kindness.
She's done fantastic work, showing how people who help-- whether it's helping five extra acts during the week-- it can be more; doesn't have to be restricted to five-- or people who help five extra acts during one day, it's actually contributing to their wellbeing.