When I fall and hit the ground 当我跌落不前,试着报复一切 I will turn myself around 我会转过身来,好好想想 Don't you try to stop me 你仍会袖手旁观,不阻止我么? .
... 但是乌龟不慌不忙 » But the tortoise took 好好想想 » Think about 有效性和安全性 » Efficacy and safety ...
生命永不停息 » Life never stops 好好想想 » to think seriously about 他捏造了许多借口使自己不用出席会议 » He invented many excuses to not himself present at the meeting ..
你好好想想吧 Mull it over ; You think about it ; You will think about it ; just think about it girl
好好想想吧 Think about it
让我好好想想 Let me think
好想好想你 Thinkin' About You ; Like I love you ; Really Want You ; wanted to you
自己好好想想吧 Penso que sobre ela
我会好好想想的 I'll sleep on it
动动脑筋好好想想 Use Your Head
你自己好好想想吧 You' d beter reflect on yourseif
让我们都该好好想想 Lets think it over
Think well, Pinocchio, you are turning your back on Dame Fortune.
Think of what the country can do for its own people for a change.
I am going to send you to the cellar, to think over your dreadful misdeeds, in company with the rats.
OK, important -- if you are part of this group here think about it and make sure you understand that.
I mean, we should really think about what we want to eat for lunch today.
Second, I'd like to identify two key questions that I really think important for you to be thinking about and addressing in the area of new technology and education.