... 管理存档文件 archive manage archive files 存档文件生成 archive file generation 归档文件、存档文件 archive file ...
Examples of long-running services are those that aggregate data, generate documents, or archive files.
这可以通过将消息集添加到代理存档 (.bar) 文件来实现,从而导致将消息集生成为称为消息字典的精简形式。
You do this by adding the message set to a broker archive (.bar) file, which causes the message set to be generated into a compact form called a message dictionary.
Plan Creator接受一个web应用程序存档(web application archive, WAR),并指导用户完成一系列步骤来自动生成geronimo - web . xml文件。
Plan Creator takes a web application archive (WAR) and walks the user through a sequence of steps to auto-generate the geronimo-web.xml file.