宇称守恒,是指物理学关于对称性探索的一个重要进展是建立诺特定理,定理指出,如果运动定律在某一变换下具有不变性,必相应地存在一条守恒定律。简言之,物理定律的一种对称性,对应地存在一条守恒定律。上述经典物理范围内的对称性和守恒定律相联系的诺特定理后来经过推广,在量子力学范围内也成立。 在量子力学和粒子物理学中,又引入了一些新的内部自由度,认识了一些新的抽象空间的对称性以及与之相应的守恒定律。
... 与债券的清偿和付息有关的业务 business relating to servicing of bonds 宇称守恒 conservation of parity 宇称守恒定律 parity conservation law ...
宇称守恒(parity conservation) 曾经被认为是普遍规律。李政道和杨振宁于1957年 指出,在弱相互作用中宇称可能不守恒。
宇称守恒律 parity conservation law
宇称守恒定律 [量子] parity conservation law ; law of parity conservation
复合宇称守恒律 combined parity conservation law
空间宇称守恒律 spatial parity conservation law
宇称守恒的破坏 failure of parity conservation
宇称不守恒 parity violation ; non conservation of parity ; parity nonconservation ; CP violation
流宇称不守恒 Neutral-Current PNC
电荷宇称不守恒 CP violation
宇称性守恒 conservation parity
If the law of parity conservation were suspended, this restriction would be removed.
Yang and his colleague Li Zhengdao received the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on parity nonconservation of weak interaction, becoming the first Chinese to win a Nobel Prize.
Yang received the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics together with Tsung-dao Lee, for their work on parity non-conservation of weak interaction.