安全可靠 Safe and reliable ; Reliable ; Security and Reliable ; on the safe side
可靠安全系数 certain safety factor
安全可靠性 security and reliability ; safety and reliability ; SR
安全、可靠 safety ; Safety and Reliability
安全性和可靠性 Safety and Reliability ; Security and Reliability ; safety and dependability
可靠的、安全的 Reliability
可靠性、安全性 reliability
安全与可靠计算机系统 Secure and Dependable Computer Systems
安全可靠性试验 fail-safe test
可靠性工程与系统安全 Reliability Engineering and System Safety
Teachers should be strictly chose because everyone wants that their children are in safe hands.
Car buyers are more interested in safety and reliability than speed.
Throughout this period food became cheaper, safe and more reliable.
There's a lot of engineering that we've already talked about in terms of producing quantities of the vaccine, producing it reliably, producing it safe, distributing it, and keeping track requires a level of sophistication that maybe you wouldn't have thought about initially.