If tied to a two-year data contract, a seven-inch Android tablet could even be given away by mobile carriers for free.
Infuse有点像5英寸的Dell Streak,它试图加大高端手机的尺寸,打屏幕更大的平板电脑市场的擦边球。
The Infuse, sort of like the 5-inch Dell Streak, attempts to push the limits of super-phone sizes in an effort to skirt the fringes of the larger tablet market.
随着戴尔Streak 5产品的失败,如果三星公司能够顺利完成5.3英寸的手机和平板电脑的融合计划,那么对于这款三星Galaxy Note产品无疑是个巨大的好消息。
Where Dell's Streak 5 failed, the Galaxy Note could succeed if Samsung markets this 5.3-inch tablet-phone hybrid properly.