... sea passage 海路 ; 船费 ; 海上航道 passage boat 小渡船 ; 渡船 passage entitlement 可享有的旅费 ...
Then we took a long bus trip followed by a nice little boat ride to Pangkor, an off-the-beaten-path vacation spot in Malaysia.
离开温哥华35分钟后就到了加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚市的盐泉岛(Salt Spring),白色的小渡船滑向Fulford港-进入该岛的两个入口的其中一个。
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia JUST 35 minutes after leaving Vancouver, the small white ferry glides into Fulford Harbor, one of two entrances to the island.
A ferry travels on the nearby water regularly, taking passengers to an isolated island 40 minutes away, where Buddhist temples and tiny fishing villages dot the landscape.