几个人在台前就某些主题发起讨论,听众在台下互动的“ 小组讨论 ”( Panel Discussion )是一种非常好的学术会议形式,能够在短时间内就某一主题展开深入讨论,使参与方彼此熟悉,并交换大量信息,同时还能让人感到生...
无领导小组讨论 LGD ; Leaderless Group Discussion ; leader group discution ; LGD-Leaderless Group Discussion
无领导小组讨论法 Leaderless group discussion ; Leaderless group ; Leadless group discuss ; leaderless group discussio
课堂小组讨论 group discussion
专题小组讨论 focus group discussion ; FGD
专门小组讨论 panel discussion
选题小组讨论 Nominal Group discussion
不敢与小组讨论 Can't and panel discussion ; Not with the group discussion
小组讨论话题 topics for Group Work
小组讨论会 panel meeting
The data in this thesis are taken from a group discussion among female friends on the topic of "love".
参考来源 - 消费社会女性情感话语的冲突和变迁Methods Assess the booster seat use in the phone follow-up after focus group discussion, child passenger safety teaching by DVD, booster seats using explanation /demonstration and giving away free seats were conducted.
方法 采用方便抽样法,从海淀区、昌平区抽取71名儿童家长,在小组讨论、播放儿童乘车安全宣传片(DVD)、儿童加高座椅使用说明/现场演示的基础上,免费发放儿童安全座椅,6周后通过电话回访评估儿童安全座椅的使用情况。
参考来源 - 北京市儿童家长对汽车安全座椅的认知与干预研究—《中国学校卫生》—2010年第5期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
A series of discussion groups has been timetabled for the afternoons.
Many teachers are opting for group discussions instead of handouts.
During group discussions many people never express their opinions because they're afraid that people will judge them for their saying something stupid.
So, it's perfectly okay to be part of a collaboration, but you've got to make sure that you're pulling your weight.
If you could email me if you're interested in coming, so we can have a good size group and a discussion.
So, do your TA proud today and see if you can be part of the recitation that gets the most correct in terms of a percentage.