...院衰老研究所(National Institute on Aging,NIA)指出,间歇性断食对人类健康和寿命的影响都是尚不明确的(currently unclear)[1];在目前的断食临床试验中,观察时间大多是8~12周,如果做了24周的研究,那已经算是很不错了(如果说只是为了减肥倒..
Asset Devaluation Standard should be made to indicate the accurate implication of each judgment standard, to stipulate the imprecise important calculation ratio in institution and standard.
研究小组成员亚利桑那大学的丹尼斯 ·扎瑞茨基指出,“我们在对宇宙 90%的物质尚不明确的情况下,却声称了解宇宙的一切,这真有点令人难堪。”
It's a little embarrassing to claim we know anything about the universe when we don't know what 90 percent of the matter out there is.
Though the precise harm to our bodies remains unknown, concerns include the microplastics themselves, as well as the fact that they absorb a range of harmful bacteria.