屋尘螨属于蛛形纲动物,只有0.1-0.5mm 大小。它的出现与不卫生或不干净无关,因为即使在定期认真吸尘的地毯上,每平方米也可数出1000-10000 只螨。 不仅地毯是尘螨的结集地,而且软垫坐椅、沉重帷幕尤其是家用纺织品如床垫和床上用品都是尘螨的乐园。这些尘螨别无所求,如果气候湿润温和又能找到人体皮屑作为食粮,它们就会迅速繁衍。
粉尘螨(Dermatophagoides farinae)和屋尘螨(Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus)是与过敏性疾病密切相关的室内过敏原,其排泄物、分泌物、死亡的螨残体及其残体裂解的衍生物等致敏性都很强[3-4],尤其是1类过敏原...
...工作小组将其定义为一种可长期控制但难以治愈的疾病。因此有必要阐明其发病机制,为这一顽疾探索新的诊疗思路。据报道国内变应性鼻炎主要的变应原是屋尘螨(House Dust Mite,HDM)。近期研究发现屋尘螨骨架蛋白包含壳多糖,能激活NLRP3,并且可以通过抗原提呈细胞进行信号转导。
显示屋尘螨 HKM
种螨分别是屋尘螨 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus
屋尘螨过敏原 HDMA ; House dust mite allergen
屋尘螨变应原制剂 Alutard SQ D.P
或屋尘螨 dermatophagoides pteronyssinus ; DP
探讨屋尘螨 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus ; DER
目的探讨屋尘螨 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus ; DER
用屋尘螨提取液 House Dust Mite Extract
选择对屋尘螨 dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Der
Result: Total positive rate of the first part of 1059 cases was 92.4%, with dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 45.8%, dermatophagoides farinae 42.3%, trichophyton mentagrophytes 34.1%, mouldsⅡ27% and mouldsⅠ21.7%.
参考来源 - 大连地区变应性疾病过敏原分析The positive rate of 49 kinds of allergens, such as house dust mite. dust mite,Aspergillus flavus,mucor and so on, had statistically significant with different professions.
6种职业的患者中屋尘螨、粉尘螨、黄曲霉素、毛霉菌混合物等49种过敏原阳性检出率存在差异。 其中工人、学生、干部阳性率较高,农民、儿童阳性率较低。
参考来源 - 包头市某三甲医院变应性疾病就医患者过敏原现状及影响因素研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Research suggests that while an unmade bed may look scruffy, it is also unappealing to house dust mites thought to cause asthma and other allergies.
Results of dermatophagoides farinae and dermatophagoides pteronyssinus by skin prick test were related to the grades of asthma.
The average bed could be home to up to 1.5 million house dust mites.