网络游戏<<热血传奇>>中的一种怪物. 山洞蝙蝠是普通怪物。 经验:25 出没地点:地牢。 等级越高,杀死它获得的经验值越少。刷新时间为10~15分钟。 在地牢里到处都是这种飞翔的生物。尽管他们的攻击力不强,但它们群起进攻时还是躲远些为好.
Accompanied with a local guide from the community, one can spend hours in the dark cave, admiring stalagmites, stalactites, waterfalls, bats, rare eyeless fish-species and more.
洞壁上可以看到好几种岩层,用这个教地理生动有趣。 而且我们不需要生物课本,我们的山洞学校里每天都能看到蝙蝠、蜥蜴。
We had the best choir in the area and there were also several rock strata visible on the walls which made teaching geology far more interesting.