systoolspace表空间是一个用户数据表空间,DB 2管理工具和一些SQL管理例程使用它存储历史数据和配置信息。
The SYSTOOLSPACE table space is a user data table space used by the DB2 administration tools and some SQL administrative routines for storing historical data and configuration information.
到了Version 8, load工具在表本身上放置锁,因而您可以在运行数据加载操作的同时,对相同表空间中的其他表对象进行并发访问。
As of Version 8, the load utility places locks on the table itself, and you can enjoy concurrent access to other table objects in the same table Spaces while a data load operation is running.
Although the tool can be used to change the location of a table space container, it cannot be used to change the number of containers or the size of them (for DMS table Spaces).