"工艺美术"(Arts and Crafts)是在19世纪中叶确立的概念,指"人们日常生活中主 要在身边使用的道具及其他物品,它们通过其材料、意匠、技巧或制作过程的关联而...
... 数码摄影与摄像艺术 Digital Photography and 工艺美术 Fine Art BA Hons 平面设计 Graphic Design BA Hons ...
工艺美术服务社 arts and crafts shop ; artscrafts shop ; artsandcraft hop
工艺美术工业公司 Arts and Crafts Industry Company ; Art Design Firm
工艺美术品公司 Arts and Crafts Corporation
工艺美术设计 arts and crafts design
工艺美术品 Arts and crafts ; Fancy Folkcrafts of Art
工艺美术地毯 art square ; esthetic design carpet
中国工艺美术集 China Arts and Crafts Set
里亚奇工艺美术学院 Accademia Riaci
工艺美术壁毯 artistic wall tapestry ; artistic tapestry
Research in Mr. ZHANG’s thought about Arts and Crafts is one of the focal point in the article.
参考来源 - 艺术精神的反拨与升华Both belongs to art as one kind from the modern angle and to belong to the industrial art class, paints the skill to undergo new carefully examining in China with to consider now.
参考来源 - 现代漆艺对传统漆艺的继承与发展Begun with "Kao Gong Ji", the paper analyzed the influence on the craft art theory and the figure form of the craftwork. Then, some preliminary conclusion has been drawn.
参考来源 - 《考工记》五行思想与传统工艺美术·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress