欢迎访问《农业工程》杂志社! 关键词: 控释氮肥;施用方式;玉米;干物质积累;产量[gap=1241]Key words: Controlled release urea,Method,Maize,Dry matter accumulation,Yield
关键词:小麦;干物质积累;光合性能;产量 [gap=945]Key words: Wheat, Accumulation of dry material, Photosynthesis characteristic, Yield
干物质积累转运 dry matter accumulation and partition
干物质积累与分配 Dry matter accumulation and distribution ; Dry matter accumulation and partitioning
干物质积累速率 DMAR ; Accumulation rate of dry matter
干物质积累量 Dry matter accumulation
干物质积累动态 accumulative tendency of dry matter
干物质积累运转 Dry matter accumulation and transportation
干物质积累及分配 matter accumulation and partition
棉铃干物质累积 dry matter accumulation of cotton boll
干物质累积曲线 the growth curve of dry matter
Sowing date and dry matter accumulation was significantly negatively correlated.
参考来源 - 播期与收获期对夏玉米生长发育及产量影响的研究increased chlorophll content of leaves,enhanced photosynthesis, increased the accumulation of dry matter in cotton seedlings under salt stress. Ca2~ increased and maintained the activities of H?
参考来源 - 外源钙和缩节安对棉花幼苗耐盐性的调控及其机理However, topdressing two weeks before heading increased the rates of dry matter production and accumulation during grain filling.
参考来源 - 寒地水稻秕粒形成的源库调节Leaf area and dry-matter accumulation and distribution of maize(Xianyu335,Zhengdan958 and Changcheng799) were studied under field condition.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It was mainly determined by the amount of dry matter in tobacco.
The effect of sympodia branches on fiber dry matter accumulation is not remarkable.
Synergist could also increase tiller capability and dry weight accumulation of rice.