algorithmica-7着色1平面图形的线性时间算法。 Algorithmica-知来数据 Key words. Planar graphs, plane embeddings, 1-planar graphs, 1-plane embeddings, graph algorithms, verte[gap=282]关键词。
平面图形和立体图形 Flat and Solid Shapes ; Plane Figures and Solid Figures
基本平面图形 Elementary X-Y graphs
专业平面图形套装 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 SP ; CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
非平面图形 nonplanar graph
平面图形的面积 area of a luane figure ; The area of planar graphs
全等平面图形 congruent plan figures
平面图形的绘制 Construction of planar figures
平面图形设计欣赏 Kyle Person ; superdeux
This article from drawing plastic arts angle, research compositionbasic rule, and defines its research scope in the composition in theabstract plane figure constitution rule.
参考来源 - 绘画构图平面图形构成规律与视觉心理研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress