...年英瑞合资的矿业公司斯特拉塔(Xstrata)欲购加拿大Falconbridge;2006年巴西淡水河谷(Companhia do Vale do Rio Doce,CVRD)收购Inco、Onca Puma镍矿外,并打算收购Piaui州、Para州、Goias州等三座镍矿项...
同年巴西淡水河谷公司 CVRD
巴西淡水河谷(Vale)和英澳矿商必和必拓(BHP Billiton)与日本和中国钢厂签署的协议,标志着已有40年历史的年度价格基准体系和漫长价格谈判的结束。
The deal by Vale of Brazil and Anglo-Australian BHP Billiton with Japanese and Chinese mills marks the end of the 40-year-old benchmark system of annual contracts and lengthy price negotiations.
In March 2005, Brazilian miner Vale secured an exploration contract and began work on feasibility studies for an iron ore mine — a complex undertaking due to environmental concerns.
That said, displeasure in Brasilia may have nudged Vale into ending negotiations to take over Xstrata, a Swiss mining firm, in 2008.