肾透析作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Abnormal reaction, kidney dialysis
其他医疗操作作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Other medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure ; Abnormal reaction, other medical procedures
休克治疗作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Abnormal reaction, shock therapy
血液取样作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Abnormal reaction, blood-sampling
液体抽吸术作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Abnormal reaction, aspiration of fluid
肢体截肢术作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Abnormal reaction, amputation of limb(s)
其他外科操作作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Abnormal reaction, other surgical procedures
其他重建手术作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Abnormal reaction, other reconstructive surgery
全器官移植手术作为病人异常反应或以后并发症的原因,而在操作当时并未提及意外事故 Abnormal reaction, surgical operation with transplant of whole organ
Aristotle doesn't say but I think the answer is clearly some of both.
According to the announcement, Yi and Yu have already agreed over their divorce settlement, but it did not mention custody of the couple's son.
The reporter hadn't mentioned Jesse Jackson, but Mr. Clinton somehow felt it apposite to refer to him anyway.
Aristotle doesn't say but I think the answer is clearly some of both.