...挤汀继 指邱拔 昨贮垢钝摹惦市峪桩形帘姐阵学安拒迸游 纱内邦平带倦脾核币表枪奥 廓 应用分子遗传学(Applied Molecular Genetics)主要研究兴趣( Maj or 主要研究兴趣( Maj or Resear ch I nt er ests) :细胞素之相关研究St udi es on cyt oki nes 犬丙型疱疹病...
应用最新的分子生物学技术和其他技术,Dr . Hahn团队中的灵长动物研究专家,病理学家,遗传学家和病毒学家研究了Gombe National Park中的三个黑猩猩群体。
Using recently developed molecular and other tests, Dr. Hahn's team of primatologists, pathologists, geneticists and virologists studied three chimpanzee communities in Gombe National Park.
Main interests in Human Molecular Genetics, relationship between genes and diseases, technology and application of gene chip.
Recent advances within molecular genetics to identify the genes for deafness mean that it is now possible for genetic counseling services to offer genetic testing for deafness to certain families.