例如,2002年和2007年我和同事在《应用社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Applied Social Psychology)上发表的研究显示,大学生对于某个教授获得学术奖或大笔财产这样的消息并不感兴趣,也不愿意去告诉别人。
The research, published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, involved two experiments.
目的与行为的解释与预测:我们做得如何?应用社会心理学杂志, 28, 1318–1339。
Sutton, S. (1998). Explaining and predicting intentions and behavior: How well are we doing? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 1318–1339.
《应用社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Applied Social Psychology)发表的一个研究发现,如果侍者为用餐者送上账单的同时奉上一颗糖果,用餐者更有可能支付小费。
Research published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology found that a diner is more likely to tip a waiter if the bill comes with a piece of candy, for example.