“建筑师”是个多义词,它可以指建筑师(2006年美国电影), 建筑师(名词解释)。
基于14个网页-相关网页 工程师 如清洁工成了工程师( sanitation engineer),园林工人变成建筑师( landscape architect) ,理发师变成了艺术家( tonsorial artist) ,看门人janitor 变成管理人custodian,..
景观建筑师 landscape architect ; Master of Landscape Architecture ; Breimann & Bruun ; SWA Group Los Angeles
国际建筑师协会 International Union of Architects ; UIA ; Union Internationale des Architects ; union of international architects
我的建筑师 My Architect ; My Architect A Son's Journey
美国建筑师协会 American Institute of Architects ; AIA ; Associate AIA ; The American Institute of Architects
美国建筑师学会 American Institute of Architects ; AIA
建筑师列表 list of architects
总建筑师 Chief Architect ; Chefarchitekt ; architect in charge ; Anssi Lassila
中华人民共和国注册建筑师条例 Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Certified Public Architects
英国皇家建筑师协会 RIBA ; Royal Institute of British Architects
Architects of post-modernism catch acutely the changes of such social cultural mentality.
参考来源 - 后现代主义建筑的社会历史文化背景分析This paper focuses on discussing the symbolic utilization of The Master Builder, analyzing its symbol, explaining its connotation and summarizing its characteristic.
参考来源 - 论《建筑师》的象征运用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Should architects continue to be trained for five years at public expense?
Look at Milton's description of the architect of Pandemonium.
and there’s been the depression and there's no building and there's no work for architects,
The great architect, the thinker is the composer and the performer, the violinist, gets this piece of-- gets this blueprint or black print in the case of musical notation and is expected simply to replicate the black print.