... 弹性工时 flexible hours 弹性工作时间 flexible working hours 弹性工作时间制度 elastic work schedule system ...
而弹性工作安排则包括弹性工时(flexible work hour)、pressed workweeks)及电传劳动(muting)。本研究仅就暂时性人力进行实证分析,弹性工作安排则不在探讨之列。
弹性工时制 Flexitime ; flexible work hours system ; elastic work schedule system
弹性工作时间 Flextime ; [劳经] flexible working hours ; flexible work time
弹性工作时间制 flextime ; Flexible working hours system ; flexible time
行政弹性工时 Administrative Flexible Time
弹性工作时光 flex time ; angle time
弹性工作时间表 Flexible Working Hours Table ; flexible work schedule ; flexible schedule
弹性工作时制 flexible work schedules
弹性工作时间制度 [劳经] elastic work schedule system
Supervisors shall take appropriate action to correct any abuse or misuse of this privilege which may include deductions from employee's pay.
Seth:I'll be working in sales. The hours are flexible and they say I can earn a lot of money easily.
Through the example of a hospital constructing elastic rubber floor, the technological process, paving steps and detailed measures are given. Finally, the matters needing attention are pointed out.