一般地讲,对弹性体施加一个外界作用,弹性体会发生形状的改变(称为“应变”),“弹性模量”的一般定义是:应力除以应变。 材料在弹性变形阶段,其应力和应变成正比例关系(即符合胡克定律),其比例系数称为弹性模量。弹性模量的单位是达因每平方厘米。“弹性模量”是描述物质弹性的一个物理量,是一个总称,包括“杨氏模量”、“剪切模量”、“体积模量”等。所以,“弹性模量”和“体积模量”是包含关系。
...积材,静曲强度,弹性模量,剪切强度,尺寸稳定性 [gap=1104]Key words: LVL, Modulus of Rupture (MOR), Modulus of Elasticity (MOE), Shearing strength, Dimensional stability ...
体积弹性模量 [力] bulk modulus ; [力] bulk modulus of elasticity ; [力] modulus of volume elasticity ; modulus of elasticity of volume
拉伸弹性模量 tensile modules of elasticity ; Tensile Modulus ; modulus of elasticity for tension ; stretch elasticity modulus
纵弹性模量 LME Mpa ; modulus of longitudinal elasticity
横弹性模量 TME Mpe
动静弹性模量 dynamic and static elasticity modulus
动力弹性模量 dynamic modulus of elasticity ; dynamic elastic modulus ; dynamic elasticity modulus
弯曲弹性模量 Flexural modulus ; Bending elastic modulus ; Elastic module in bending ; Flexural Modulus Mpa
纵向弹性模量 longitudinal modulus of elasticity
静弹性模量 static modulus of elasticity ; Static modulus ; static deformation modulus
With series of discrete value on interface parameter, the relationship curve diagram of elasticity modulus of interface and concrete is deduced by calculation, and the appropriate interface elasticity modulus is obtained with interpolation method.
参考来源 - 混凝土材料细观力学模型与破坏分析The higher the scanned wood density,the higher is the SilviScan elastic modulus.
参考来源 - 稻秸细胞壁力学性能及其纤维复合材料研究From the load-deflection data acquired during bending the mechanical properties of the thin films were determined. Measured Young's modulus is 156±(2.9%-6.3%) GPa.
参考来源 - 纳米硬度计研究多晶硅微悬臂梁的弹性模量 Young's Modulus of Polysilicon Microcantilever Beams by Deflection Using NanoindentationAge-adjusted effective modulus was used to substitute for concrete elastic modular to consider the shrinkage and creep influences of concrete. Combining age-adjusted effective modulus method with finite-element method, finite-element step-by-step analysis method was studied.
参考来源 - 湘江大跨度预应力连续梁桥的仿真计算和收缩徐变研究The elastic moduli and elasto-plastic stress-strain relations for each arrangement are derived explicitly.
参考来源 - 复合材料损伤细观力学分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The modulus of CFRPET after heat-treatment agrees perfectly with reinforcement law.
For identical shapes, the stiffness is proportional to the modulus of elasticity.
The modal frequency of the packaging structure increases with the elastic modulus of potting material.