当且仅当(英文:If and only if, 或者:iff),或称若且唯若,在数学、哲学、逻辑学以及其他一些技术性领域中被用来表示“在,并且仅仅在这些条件成立的时候”的缩写,在英语中的对应标记为iff。
abbr. iff
misc. if and only if ; when and only when
Eye of newt goes into the little black bag, if and only if there is reproducible scientific evidence that it works.
When, and only when, these behaviors occur, does an authority relationship exist between the superior and subordinate.
这是正确的,因为上面对 a 和 b 的奇偶性的推导是一个当且仅当命题。
This is true as the above derivation for a and b of opposite parity is an if and only if statement.
A very important result is that if two vectors are equal, if A = B, the only way it can happen is if separately Ax is equal to Bx and Ay is equal to By.
这里有一个相当重要的结论,如果两个矢量相等,例如 A = B,那么当且仅当,Ax = Bx 和 Ay = By 分别成立
I'll say it again, Player i's strategy "s'i" is weakly dominated by her strategy "si" if she always does at least as well by choosing "si" than choosing "s'i" regardless of what everyone else does, and sometimes she does strictly better.