It is most likely to become the ultimate retreat for species like the king penguin.
关键可能在于处理一些新问题; 挑战未知的事物很可能比一遍又一遍地做相同的拼图游戏更为有益。
The key may be tackling something new; the challenge of the unknown is likely more beneficial than putting together the same jigsaw puzzle over and over again.
Well might the terrified weasels dive under the tables and spring madly up at the windows!
People enjoy that in ways that Iser may not be fully acknowledging in this argument, but there's no question that it doesn't involve the violation of expectations.
It's possible that due to the methodological limitations of Piaget, he systematically underestimated what children and babies know.
You might very well have done some very accurate math but it doesn't matter, because you did the math in the wrong place.