Most likely, you will believe that this will take more time than you actually have and you will end up staring blankly at the pages as the deadline draws near.
It is quite possible that these fluctuations, the huge increase and decrease of sulfur dioxide, happening again and again.
Chances are that he looks at you more often than is usual with glances a little longer than the normal.
So we have to come up--we mortals-- have to come up with some other device, and our device to remember things is to try to write it down because my premise here is, if you can write music down clearly you are hearing it, clearly, and you would have a better chance of remembering it if you could write it down.
So the best response for Player 1, as a function of what Player 2 chooses, q2, is just equal to the q1 hat in this expression and if I solve that out carefully, I will no doubt make a mistake, but let's try it.