循证实践(evidence-based practice, EBP)兴起于20世纪七、八十年代的循证医学领域。
...究质量的重要前提或条件,起码是从研究的精细化入手,而非本本宏论出发,这叫做学术研究的“循证实践”(evidence-based practice, EBP),这也是肇始于循证医学而来的方法,其字面意义可以理解为“遵循证据进行实践考据”。
循证实践者 evidence-based practitioner
循证实践运动 evidence-based practice movement
循证实践中心 evidence based practice center
或循证实践 evidence-based practice ; EBP
是在循证实践 Evidence-Based Practice ; EBP
来自循证实践 evidence-based practice ; EBP
人们开始使用循证实践 evidence-based practice ; EBP
循证实践态度量表 EBPAS
循证临床实践 evidence-based clinical practice ; EBCP
The fundamental questions of evidence-based practice were also centered on the integrity of scientific research and clinical practice.
参考来源 - 心理治疗循证实践研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Workshop sessions will be interactive and case-based, with emphasis on evidence-based practice.
Evidence-based practice is the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values.
合理用药比例由循证实践之前的4 2 %上升为循证实践后的78%。
The rate of rational drug use before and after evidence-based practice has increased from 42% to 78%, respectively.