...nction-regulating Method [针刺研究 Acupuncture Research] 心境稳定剂治疗 [上海精神医学 Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry] 合并边缘人格障碍的抑郁障碍者的病史特征 The History Traits of Depressive Patients Concurrent with Borderline Personality...
患者当时正在接受心境稳定剂治疗的。 他们有中度到重度的抑郁,同时还参与了10周的舍曲林、文拉法辛或是安非他酮的实验。
The patients were receiving mood stabilizers, had moderate to severe depression, and participated in a 10-week trial of sertraline, venlafaxine, or bupropion.
Drugs known as mood stabilizers have proved effective at controlling the manic phase of the illness, but treating the depressive phase is more problematic.
Medications known as “mood stabilizers” usually are prescribed to help control bipolar disorder.10Several