...TIS 作者:朱则今,吴静安,陶佩珍,王淑琴, 目的:评价17997(20 mg*L-1)滴眼治疗实验性单纯疱疹性角膜炎(herpes simplex keratitis, HSK)的疗效及滴眼剂的刺激性.
METHODS The aciclovir eye ointment was used as control group, and the gel as test group, the drug action on treatment of experimental rabbits herpes simplex keratitis (HSK) was compared.
目的:观察和比较3%膦甲酸钠和0 1%无环鸟苷滴眼液治疗单纯疱疹性角膜炎的疗效和安全性。
Objective:Both efficiency and safety about 3% foscarnet sodium and 0 1% acyclovir eye drops on treatment of 164 cases of herpes simplex keratitis were observed and compared.