... MTTR Mean Time To Repair 修复平均时间 MTTR Mean Time To Restore 恢复平均时间 MTTS MultiTask Terminal System 多任务终端系统 ...
至业务恢复平均时间 mean time to service restore
平均恢复时间 MTTR ; mean time to restore ; mean time to recovery ; MTR MeanTimetoRestore
平均恢复前时间 mean time to restoration ; MTTR ; Mean Time To Repair
恢复服务的平均时间 mean time to restore service ; MTRS MeanTimetoRestoreService
业务恢复的平均时间 mean time to service restoral
恢复业务平均时间 Mean Time to Restore Service MTRF
This provides an availability figure based on mean time to failure information in days, and mean time to recover information in hours.
If you know the mean time between failures and the mean time to recovery, e.g. for the hardware, use the calculations in this section.
If you have mean time to failure and mean time to recovery information, enter that and the spreadsheet will calculate the availability for you in the "Calculated availability contributions" lines.