adj. unexpected ; unanticipated ; unforeseen
研究表明,他们广泛学习可能是为了防止意料之外的情况 ,而不是单纯地寻找答案。
Research suggests they may study more broadly for the unexpected rather than search for answers.
I hope you will share my delight in watching as simple, even naive, questions lead to remarkable solutions and purely theoretical discoveries find unanticipated applications.
Inevitably, in a class of this size, we're going to have to make some adjustments; so you'll receive instructions when you get your section assignment on how to deal with unforeseen conflicts if, for instance, some other class just moved you around.
So what syncopation is is simply the insertion of an impulse, a "Hit" If you will, at a metrical place that we do not expect it to be.
Okay, so that was one surprise.