中考英语作文 英语六级作文 英语作文范文 高中英语作文 初中英语作文 英语作文指导 感谢款待 ( Thanks for Lius Hospitality ),高中生作文,英语作文..
... 通过实践提高英语水平(Improve You.. 感谢款待(Thanks for Lius Hospita.. 离婚率为什么在上升?(Why Divorce .. ...
感谢款待的信 a bread and butter letter ; a bread
感谢款待的信柬 Bread-and-butter Letter
感谢信感谢款待 Thanks for Lius Hospitality ; Thanks for Lius Hosp
感谢信感谢款待- Thanks for Li
感谢设宴款待 Thanks Letter for Warmly Treatment
感谢感动款待的信 a bread and butter letter
感谢盛宴款待 Thanks for a banquet
非常感谢您的热情款待 Thank you for the hospitality ; Thank you for your warm hospitality
非常感谢您的盛情款待 thank you for inviting me
After spending the weekend as a guest in the Jones' home, Alice wrote the Jones the usual bread-and-butter letter.
After spending the weekend as a guest in the Jones' home, Alice wrote the Jones the usual bread-and -butter letter.
Please convey my gratitude to your parents for their warm welcome and gracious hospitality.