... knowing card » 知道卡 We Just Won't Know » 我们只是不会知道 torch disconnection » 火炬截断 ...
"They just figured these people don't know very much so we won't ask them," says John Amagoalik, an Inuit leader and politician.
但这再也不会过多困扰我了因为我知道他只是他这一类型的典型,而我也是我这一类型的典型- - -我们有化学依据可以证明的。
But it doesn't bother me so much because I know he's being true to his type, and I'm being true to mine - we have the chemistry to prove it.
Now we have passed half way, I know that will be fine, so I just concentrate on the running.
We're just saying we want What we're saying is, we know that the candidates aren't going to position themselves at 1 and aren't going to position themselves at 10.
And if I did this, and again, don't scribble too much in your notes but if we just make it clear what's going on here, I'm actually going to delete these strategies since they're never going to be played I end up with a little box again.