...derstand me but i do not blame you just alittle sad » 你不了解我,但我不怪你悲伤只是高招 be pleased by » 我们很乐意通过 brass plated shade and canopy » 镀黄铜色光和冠层 ..
It was not built off of what we charge for the paper, or what we think we desrve, or anything like that. It’s what our loyal users said they would be willing to pay.
我很乐意做志愿者去帮助新生,因为我们当初也是新生,我希望能够通过自己的方式回报当年为我们付出的人们,传递这份温暖。” 李兰香介绍到,引起了很多志愿者的共鸣。
I'm pleased to serve the new students as a volunteer since I was a new student before and I hope I could pay back the people that helped me out then.