我准备好了爱你 I'm ready to love you ; I am ready love you ; I prepared to love you
我准备好了多哥 and i'm ready togo
现在我准备好了 i am ready now
你是为我准备好了 are you ready for me
亲爱的我准备好了 Dear I am ready
我准备好了明天的演讲 I'm ready for tomorrow's speech ; I'm ready for tomorrow's lecture
我们准备好了 We Are Ready ; we are set ; Well be ready
我准备好了德语 ich bin gut vorbereitet
是的我准备好了 yes I'm ready
Oh--but if you can meet with our teaching fellows over there, they're gonna ask the legal department to see you next so Alright, I think we're all set.
I'm ready to be on the stage.
All right. I brought some along just in case you raised it.