This blog was founded in 2003 on the philosophy of a read/write Web - a Web in which people can create content as easily as they consume it .
关于清醒梦,如果你想了解更多并想要亲自尝试,我推荐你阅读Stephen LaBerge博士的《清醒梦》和《探索清醒梦境》。
If you want to learn more about lucid dreaming and try it for yourself, I recommend you read Dr. Stephen LaBerge’s Lucid Dreaming and Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.
之前我曾阅读了一些logging框架的历史,并尝试和理解为什么许多开发者对JDK logger充满敌意。
A while ago I did some reading about the history of logging frameworks to try and understand the hostility many developers still have towards JDK logger.