修改【Top Twinz】【我的女朋友的男朋友(My Girl's Boy Friend)】歌词 作词:吴怡青作曲:严志宏编曲:李伯杰 真的没有什么 说了分手以后谁都有自由交新朋友..
"If I want to get my girlfriend a meaningful gift, I'm not going to get her something from Walmart," Martine said. "I would lose boyfriend points pretty quickly."
Work has been keeping me too busy, I don't think I'm a good boyfriend/girlfriend material。
Tina: Eem.. it's quite simple. You be my boyfriend for 100 days and I'll be your girlfriend for 100 days. what do you think?
Now, usually at this point somebody in the lecture hall raises their hand and says, Well, my boyfriend or my girlfriend and I are complete opposites ? and how do you account for that, Professor Salovey?"