... 让我们的世界越来越美丽(Making Our World More 我的挚友-My best Friend 沈阳火灾扑灭后煤气泄漏(Fire Put out followin ...
我的挚友 My best Friend ; You are my friends ; a buddy of mine
我的挚友懂得我的心声 a real friend of mine
也是我的挚友 The sweetest friendship
我的挚友阿诺德 My Best Friend Arnold
给我的挚友 To my best friend ; To my good friend ; Me friends
我的挚友金 My Friend Kim
祝我的挚友圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas, my best friend ; Merry y Christmas, my best friend
送给我的挚友 Send me a good friend ; To my best friend
想念着我的挚友 missing friends of my time
So, my good friends, let me say congratulations to all of you.
The friends I've made online – from blogging in particular, be they other bloggers or commenters on this or my own site – are the best friends I now have.
Then I wrote this note as small as I could: For my friend... I went across the street to my neighbor's, who is also one of my closest friends, and I left the bouquet at the front door.