战略预警strategic early -warning,是指为早期发现、跟踪、识别来袭的远程弹道导弹、战略轰炸机和巡航导弹等战略武器并及时发出警报采取的措施。
Much more attention has been paid on Strategic Early Warning(SEW) technology in the network security field, because of its capability of predicting the probability that the main server would be attacked and presuming the attacking methods and potential results.
参考来源 - 基于信息融合技术的战略预警系统的研究与实现In the end, this thesis put forward countermeasures for strategy transition, and suggest that companies establish strategic management institutions, strategy early warning mechanism and strategy control system to grasp transition occasions, to differentiate transition travail and operate strategy transition rightly.
参考来源 - 企业战略转型研究及应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The over-the-horizon radar is mainly used for strategic early warning and long range tactical warning information radar systems.
Space has served military operations at the strategic level, mainly for early-warning and long-range intelligence surveillance in airpower mission planning.
Based on it, this paper studies early warning of strategy implement risk, so that it provides theoretic instruct for enterprise.