战略思维 adopt a strategic perspective ; strategic thinking ; STQ ; Science of Strategic Thinking
更新战略思维 to update strategic thinking
战略_思维 Strategic-thinking
战略性思维 Thinking Strategically ; Being Strategic ; Strategy
加强战略思维 Strengthen Strategic Thinking ; Strengthen Our Strategic Thinking
以资源为本的战略思维 Resource-based Strategic Thinking ; based Strategic Thinking
以竞争为本的战略思维 Competition-based Strategic Thinking ; based Strategic Thinking
富有战略性的思维方式 Entrepreneurial & strategic thinking
有战略性的眼光与思维 Strategic thinking
战略思维与战略决策 Firm Investment and Value Creation
It is a business strategy or a new way of thinking, but it is also a method of designing and integrating applications.
He emphasises the need for organisation and strategic thinking, offering practical advice about how to convert ideas into actions.
This is the mind-set behind some shifts in thinking about the role of traditional medicine in this region, as set out in the draft regional strategy for traditional medicine.