承兑行(Accepting Bank),也称商人银行或投资信托行。18世纪末,英国私人银行业者设立的家庭银行。远期信用证如要求受益人出具远期汇票的,会指定一家银行作为受票行,由它对远期汇票做出承兑,这就是承兑行。如果承兑行不是开证行,承兑后又最后不能履行付款,开证行应负最后付款的责任。若单证相符,而承兑行不承兑汇票,开证行可指示受益人另开具以开证行为受票人的远期汇票,由开证行承兑并到期付款,承兑行付款后向开证行要求偿付。
信用证的承兑行(accepting bank)是指在汇票正面签字承诺到期付款的银行。在承兑信用证项下,承兑行可以是开证行本身,也可以是信用证所指定的其他银行。
承兑行(Accepting Houses)是指开证行或由其指定的议付行或保兑行或其他付款行对受益人提交的符合信用证条款的汇票和单据的延期付款信用证,按信用证规定所...
名誉证承兑行(Accepting Ban effectivek): 承兑行是开证行在承兑名誉证中指定的并受权承兑名誉证项下汇票的银行。
票据承兑行 acceptance bank
信用证承兑行 Accepting Bank
承兑银行 [金融] accepting bank ; acceptance bank ; accepting house ; bank of acceptance
承兑行委员会 acceptor ; AHC ; accepting houses' committee
付款行或承兑行 Paying or Accepting Bank
银行承兑 bankers acceptance ; [金融] bank acceptance ; Bank's Acceptance Bill
未承兑的银行本票 cashier's order outstanding
银行承兑信用证 Bankers Acceptance ; Banker's Acceptance L/C ; Banker'S Acceptance Credit
承兑商行 acceptance house ; [金融] accepting house ; acceptance market
The collapse of Lehman Brothers, an investment bank, and other financial disasters, raise fears that the sellers of these products, namely banks and insurance firms, will not honour their commitments.
Drawee bank's discount or interest charges and acceptance commission are for the applicant and therefore the beneficiary is to receive value for term draft as if drawn at sight.
When the presenting bank presents the documents to the importer, the latter must accept the bill before he gets the documents.