拖曳,读音tuō yè,汉语词语,意思是牵引;拉扯。
拖曳力 drag force ; towing force ; gradability ; traction force
拖曳水池 towing basin
拖曳天线 [电讯] trailing antenna ; drag antenna ; antenna trailer ; trailing-wire antenna
拖曳伞 Parasailing ; extraction parachute ; terjun payung ; Paracelling
拖曳式计程仪 towing log ; [仪] patent log ; [仪] taffrail log ; Walker's taffrail log
拖曳设备 haulage device ; towing gear ; haulage gear ; towing arrangement
拖曳者 drawer ; haulier ; hauler ; trailer
拖曳体升阻比 lift-drag of towed vehicle ; drag of towed vehicle
拖曳式采样器 dredge
圆盘产生自己的引力拖曳,这种相互作用的力夺走了行 星在其轨道上的动量,迫使它盘旋向恒星的方向。
The disk exerts its own gravitational tug, and this interplay of forces robs the planet of momentum in its orbital path, forcing it to spiral in toward the star.
The synsedimentary deformation structures are common in eolian dunes, such as brecciated foresets, drag folds and overturned folds.